Lean Legs? No Problem!

Hey there!

Ever wanted those long lean legs you see all the models strutting around in? Well, unfortunately, making our legs longer is something out of our reach (so far anyway who knows what science will bring!)

But I have the perfect tips for making the most out of what your momma gave you!

Pink and white love

1. Stretching! – Even if you are not big into exercising, stretching should be done daily by EVERYONE. That includes you. Stretching your muscles not only increases your flexibilty, but it elongates and makes your muscles appear more lean. Spend 10 minutes minimum stretching all body parts everyday if not every other day. Stretching regularly will make you feel better, decrease the chances of injury and make daily routines (like walking up the stairs) easier!


2. Fake tan those pins – If you are lucky enough to have a natural tan, move on to tip 3. But for the majority of us ladies, fake tan is GREAT for making those pins appear longer and leaner. Sally Hansen, leg makeup is a life saver. Prep your legs before applying, ie, scrub and shave/wax/epilate *whole body shudder* and watch the magic unfold. Fake tan flaunts the leaner parts of the legs, knees, shins and feet, making your legs look super sexy!


Scrub a dub dub

3. Heels are a girls best friend, unless you cant walk in them – Heels are brilliant for elongating your calf muscles (the one from your foot to your knee). This makes if appear leaner and longer. Although please refrain from walking in heels unless you can do so in confidence. The undeniable look of pain on your face while trying to walk will greatly take away attention form all the work you have done so far!

Nude wedges

– Nude heels are best for making your legs appear longer. The color blends in with your skin making it look like you dont have shoes on at all. Brilliant!

Black on yellow

So rock those pins ladies and dont be afraid to take them out of the long jeans this spring/summer. Make the most of what you were given, short or tall!


Enjoy and thanks for reading! x